Sunday, July 25, 2010

Out Of Focus

It's been day, maybe weeks that I've been thinking about this. And A few days ago, it's finally seemed clear to me. I'm slowly loosing focus and touch.

Why I'm saying this? It's mainly because I've noticed that pictures that I take just have no Oomph anymore. Even not to me. Is it because I've been way to focused on the business part and my gears and paying less attention on my pictures? I need to get myself back on track and remind myself why I got myself into this in the first place.

I got into this for the pictures. The beautiful Images I can take and keep to remind me of what I saw that was beautiful to me at that moment. Something that happened that would be hard for me to see again. Something that I've found that fascinates me and I'll never get to see again.

And every since I changed to Canon, I've forgotten about what I used to repeat to myself when I was using Sony. "It's Not The Gear That Makes The Picture, It's YOU!". Now, I need to repeat to myself exactly that to make sure that I'll never forget again.

May god bless me and save me from myself before I go completely off track.



  1. Well, the same goes to me the past months. I've lost interest. It came back when I got new lens or stuffs, but after a while my photos looked less and less attractive. I find other friend's photos often have more 'feel' to it. I realised having better gears does not ensure 'better' photos.

    Keep shooting friend, set aside some time for your creative shots.
