Monday, August 30, 2010

A View Of The Future

I've always thought of getting a Mac for myself. But with my current financial situation, honestly don't think I can afford one yet. But, that's the magic of the whole word "YET", which would also mean that I will get one for myself some time in the near future. What's in mind currently is to replace my current PC with a...

Mac Mini! :D
Why the Mac Mini? Because it is the cheapest Mac in the market at the moment. At first, I was bummed that there was no DVI video connection at the back of the unit which means that using my current Dell 22" LCD Monitor was a No Go. But after reading further through the Tech Spec, A HDMI to DVI adapter will be provided! Yay! So, means that, I can use pretty much all my current Pc peripherals on the Mac Mini! All I need to purchase is the unit itself. :D And that's just for the "At Home" unit.

For the Office and Study unit, aka "Mobile" unit, I leaning more towards the,

MacBook Pro 13".

And at the moment, they only come in these two flavors. Honestly, I don't really see that much difference in the packages other than the processor upgrade and the hard disc upgrade. And somehow, that, I think I can do it myself. :D

So, this is what I have in mind at the moment. What do you think? Is it worth it? 


  1. If graphics and editing is what you do most with your lappie, then its a good buy. Besides, the garage band app rocks!
